Commit No Nuisance Linoprint

Commit No Nuisance Linoprint

Are you a rule follower or a rule breaker? Do you regard the ‘commit no nuisance’ instruction of this print as a rule to be followed or a rule to be entirely disregarded, in fact as a provocation to commit nuisance of some form?

I’m probably more of the former while simultaneously wishing I was more of the latter.

This lino print is by James Brown. It is printed by hand and bears all of the hallmarks of this particular style of printing. The lino block is cut by hand rather than machine and the ink and printing process are also achieved by hand. All of this adds to the charm and character of these prints.

Would look great either framed or hung from one of the poster hangers by Creamore that we stock.

Measurements (A3)

42cm x 29.7cm


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Commit No Nuisance Linoprint

Are you a rule follower or a rule breaker? Do you regard the ‘commit no nuisance’ instruction of this print as a rule to be followed or a rule to be entirely disregarded, in fact as a provocation to commit nuisance of some form?

I’m probably more of the former while simultaneously wishing I was more of the latter.

This lino print is by James Brown. It is printed by hand and bears all of the hallmarks of this particular style of printing. The lino block is cut by hand rather than machine and the ink and printing process are also achieved by hand. All of this adds to the charm and character of these prints.

Would look great either framed or hung from one of the poster hangers by Creamore that we stock.

Measurements (A3)

42cm x 29.7cm